About us
About Company
Silk United
Silk United is a Saudi company established in 2023 and is one of the first Saudi firms to obtain export house licensing from the Saudi Export Development Authority. With over 25 years of experience in international trade and export, Silk United has cultivated a large customer base consisting of global importers and local exporters. Additionally, the company possesses extensive expertise in the logistics sector, which is critical for facilitating and promoting both exports and imports in Saudi Arabia.

Offices of logistics service providers
Business Relations countries
Years Of Experience
Life Experience
25 Years of Experience in
Export &Import
We provide advice, and procedural and legal advice support to Saudi exporters, protect them from potential risks, and assist in obtaining necessary international product certificates. We also work with the Saudi Export Development Authority to enhance our market position, increase the reliability of Saudi products, and source the best raw materials globally. Additionally, we help negotiate and secure the best offers to enhance production, efficiency, and competitiveness in international markets
Main Office
7556 Salman Al Farsi, An Nahdah, Riyadh -KSA